
Friday, August 9, 2013

Baba's wonderful Udhi from

What have you done for your son? What are you doing for him each day…? Do you give him each day a patient, sympathetic attempt to see life from his viewpoint? Do you nag at him about his faults, or are you wisely silent when you cannot truthfully praise? Do you hold up before him a high ideal toy trying each day to be in your own life and character all that you wish him to be?
If my questions contain any hints that you can use, then seize them and act upon them without delay, it may take time, but if you never give up, but patiently, day by day, live before him according to your highest ideals, you will finally command his respect and influence his life. Example is better than a precept, influence is more far reaching than authority.


It was 1964.The Olympic games were going on in Tokyo. India was not doing well in Hockey and it was feared whether she would even reach the final, let alone bag the gold medal. Meanwhile my friend Shri G.N. Rana, invited me to attend Sai Baba's Kirtan. With some hesitation I went there with my child. I saw one Sai devotee watching how 'Prasad' was being prepared for the occasion. Later the Kirtan started and I also joined it.
If I remember it well, there was a small statue of Sai Baba, apart from His photographs. At the time I looked on the Statue and found something was attracting me towards it. What it was I could not realize it then, but to test Sai Baba as it were, I pledged there and then that if India won the gold medal in hockey, I would send Rs, 5/- to Shirdi. It was very funny on my part but it is a fact. India did win the gold medal and I kept my promise by sending an M.O of Rs. 5/- to Shirdi.
It was 1986.1 had some stomach trouble for some time, I was advised by doctor that I should never keep my stomach empty. So whenever I felt pain in stomach, I would eat a biscuit or two or have a cup of milk. This would give me some relief, but pain would again be there after some time. I consulted my family doctor and he warned me that if I were not regular in my diet, I would develop a stomach ulcer. He gave some medicine, which of course did give me some relief. One day I took this medicine when the above-mentioned Sai devotee was with me. He asked me what it was. I told him every thing. He told me that he had a medicine to cure me provided I stop taking my medicine. I readily agreed. He gave me some Udhi and asked me to take it daily in the morning with a little water. I did accordingly and was soon rid of the trouble. Since then I have been taking Sai Baba's Udhi with water regularly and I never had any stomach pain.
What I want from Sai Baba is His blessings. One day an old lady living in Natha told me that she had seen Sai Baba in a dream extending His hand like an umbrella, over me i.e., B.N. Kaul, and members of my family. I invoke Sai Baba's name and pray to him to continue to extend His protective Hand on members of my family and over me.

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