
Thursday, July 4, 2013


Founder Sri Sai Baba Bhaktha Samajam (Regd.)
Shenoy Nagar, Chennai - 600 030.
Knowing Swami Kesavaiahji is knowing Sri Sai Baba in as much as knowing Swami Vivekananda is knowing Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. SwamiKesavaiahji, the Founder - President of Sri Sai Baba Bhaktha Samajam,Shenoynagar, was an ardent devotee of Sri Sai Baba and His chosen instrument for spreading His divine message to the world.
Swami Bala Kesavaiah was born in a pious Sri Vaishnava family in Pamidi on the banks of Pennar River, in Anantapur district in South India.
Swamiji was born on Sravana Bahula Amavasya day of Heavalambi year, at the end of the 19th century. His father Sri Swami Balaiah was a devout person.
Swamiji's childhood was all spent at Pamidi only. He was attracted by the three Temples of Bhogeswaraswami, Chennakesavaswami and Anjaneyaswami inPamidi. The holy and sacred atmosphere around the banks of Pennar River where these Temples were situated had also attracted him. Very often he used to go to these temples and meditate. The influence of the place and the legends associated with the place impressed on the illuminating mind of Bala Kesavaiah, godliness, love, affection and kindness to all beings which have all moulded him even at his tender age into a devout soul of extraordinary calibre.
He was brought up in good discipline. He was very dutiful to his teachers. He had an enquiring mind. He was of charitable disposition even as a boy. He did not believe in rituals.
He preferred charity to breaking a coconut in the temple. In his school days he stood first in Bible classes and had a vision of Jesus Christ. He learnt the Koran and had a vision of prophet Mohammed. His common sense was strong and his power of observation keen. Soothsayers predicted his sainthood.
Bala Kesavaiah had not gone to any school till his fourteenth year, and it was only when he was 14 years old he joined the London Mission Middle School atPamidi. He started learning English alphabets under Mr. E.D. Lekler who was then Headmaster of the School. Bala Kesavaiah in no time impressed Mr. Lekler with his pleasing manners and keen interest and curiosity to learn. He was always in the company of his teacher and accompanying him to his house or wherever he went, andutilised every opportunity to get more and more knowledge on subjects pertaining to God and religion. Within -the course of two years he completed his Middle School education, and obtained eligibility for admission into IV Form in the High School atAnanthapur. During this period of schooling, his progress was always above the standard in his classes. Further he showed keen interest in knowing more and more about Jesus Christ and made a deep study of the book "33 Years Life of Jesus", and got a First Prize in the Bible Course. He was fortunate that he had not only had the manifestation of Jesus Christ but also of Mohammed the Prophet for which he had all the environmental help in his School. Miss Christlieb, a German Lady, who was the Chief Administrator of the School, observed with delight and admiration the power of intuition of Bala Kesavaiah and she took special interest in imparting him the best of education. Although Bala Kesavaiah showed keen interest in all religions, his faith in Hinduism was unshakable. The two years of his study in the London Middle School atPamidi under the tutorship of Mr. Lekler and Miss Christlieb laid firm foundations for the inspiring future of Bala Kesavaiah who came to be known as Swami Kesavaiahjiin later years. Mr. Lekler personally took Bala Kesavaiah to Anantapur and got him admitted into IV Form in the Municipal High School there. He passed his higherforms, and Matriculation from that school only. Since his circumstances did not permit for persecuting higher studies, he made up his mind to get into a suitable service, and further secured the required qualification for eligibility to a Government Job.
Swamiji began his life as a clerk in the Registration Department in the composite State of Madras. Very soon he was a Sub-registrar and earned for himself a good name. He was sympathetic to the poor who described him as a "Saint sub-registrar". His superiors recognised his worth and paid encomiums and credited him with the coveted Red Entries six times. He was a kind-hearted householder, an honest and hardworking officer, coupled with integrity and character. During the entire period of his service in the Registration Department, Sri Kesavaiah maintained a spotless character, and he could not be lured with any presents or baits which are invariably common in the Registration Department. His whole service was without any blemish, and he had the distinction of winning laurels and high encomiums from the public as well as his superiors. There were annual inspections of his office by his superiors and all the inspection reports spoke very high of his character and efficiency.
Wonderful was the grace and kindness of Sri Sai Baba for he drew the devotees to him or how else would Swami Kesavaiahji then working at Dharmavaramknow Him? By the grace of Sri Sai Baba he became a Kripa Siddha overnight onJuly 1, 1939.
He visited Palani, the Hill temple of Lord Muruga in Madurai district. After worship he closed his eyes in meditation. When he opened his eyes he had a wonderful experience. He saw a jothi (wonderful light) in the place of the idol. He felt his body light. He had a spiritual experience. From that day he seemed to possess rare powers. He could tell the past events in the life of anyone who came to him. He could even know their future. He would advice them as to what they should do to free themselves from any calamities.
All the siddhis were at his command. He neither practised nor craved for them. They flowed in profusely and naturally just as the sacred Ganga flowing from the matted locks of Lord Shiva sanctified the earth by washing away the sins of all people.
Swami Kesavaiahji at that time had not heard about Sai Baba and not even seen his picture on one occasion he was relating to his friend Mr. Malli Reddi, an Advocate of Anantpur, some of his personal difficulties. Mr. Reddi said, "Pray to Sai Baba. Your difficulties would be over” Swami Kesavaiahji mentioned this to his dear wife Govindammal. On that night Sai Baba came to Swami Kesavaiahji in his dream. He remained with him for four or five minutes. Swami Kesavaiahji felt blessed and overjoyed. He wanted to buy a picture of Baba the next day and worship him. Strangely enough, on the same day a picture of Baba and a packet of udhi one day later arrived from Shirdi although the name of the sender was not known.
H.H. Swami Kesavaiahji did not go in search of him.
Sri Sai Baba came in search of him and made him an instrument to convey his grace to humanity. The choice was appropriate and well proved by Swamiji's service to the devotees during the last four decades. The history of Swamiji (after 1939) is the life of Sri Sai Baba. On April 1, 1941, he came to Penukonda on transfer and hispujas of Sri Sai Baba on Thursdays at Penukonda attracted many.
In addition to daily worship, Swamiji performed special worship every Thursday, which was attended by hundreds. As soon as the devotees enter the Pujaroom, Swamiji looked at Sri Sai Baba's picture, spelt out the grievances for which the devotees had come to him, and gave them necessary remedies. When he spoke to them, he was not conscious of Sri Sai Baba in him. He did not do anything without Sri Sai Baba's permission. If devotees were not able to go to him, they wrote letters about their ailments and worldly worries which Swamiji placed before Sri Sai Baba's picture at the time of worship, got correct answers, and sent replies. Sri Sai Baba talked to him through the picture, through dreams and in a variety of ways and always helped him to do humanitarian work without hampering his official work.
In 1948, Swamiji got a temple constructed for Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi atPenukonda. Swami Kesavaiahji's services in organising the Mandir at Penukondawere gratefully remembered by friends there. People from far and wide used to go to the mandir. They were relieved of their difficulties and illnesses. They were giventirtham (sacred water) and udhi (sacred ash). Swamiji would bless everyone. People saw Baba's grace shining through him. He infused strong faith in the people, rich and poor, high and low. Sometimes he used to prophesy what was to happen. This strange power was due to his meditation and Sai's Grace. He did not claim any powers of his own. On one occasion by his prayer to Baba he brought rain fall inGooty after a severe drought. Swami Kesavaiahji visited Shirdi 73 times after he was first blessed by Baba in 1939. He helped to construct and open mandirs for Baba in many places.
Swami Kesavaiahji came to Madras in 1948 for medical treatment. After his recovery in 1949, Swamiji conducted Thursday pujas at Sai Nilayam, Shenoy Nagar. Thousands of devotees gathered on these days, and in silence sought relief from spiritual and material worries. Sai Ram's merciful glance was the strength behindSwamiji. In the puja, Swamiji gave Sri Sai Baba's udhi (sacred ash) got from Shirdi as prasad, which was gratefully received by the devotees and acknowledged as a panacea for all ills and woes which afflicted mankind.
Special occasions like Guru Poornima, Sri Rama Navami, Gokulashtami and Sri Sai B aba's Mahasamadhi Day, (Vijayadasami day) were celebrated with great devotion and solemnity. Men, women and children participated in these functions in large numbers. Swamiji's messages on these occasions were inspiring. The pujaswere attended by thousands of devotees from far and near.
Week after week, the number of devotees participating in worship at SaiNilayam began to increase rapidly. Swamiji's heart overflowed with love for the devotees who stood in scorching heat, biting cold, drizzles or heavy showers, and even those who came to see him in the night.
Swami Kesavaiahji's wish had been to build a big mandir and meditation hall, to accommodate the increasing number of devotees. This was a mighty task. It was a difficult to get a piece of land. He had to face many difficulties patiently. Swamiji, by Baba's grace, secured the use of the land opposite to Sai Nilayam.
It had been the dream of Swamiji to have a mandir in the spacious open ground in front of Sai Nilayam. This Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir was inaugurated onthe 14th March, 1975 amidst great enthusiasm and acclamation by the Hon'ble Sri K.Brahmananda Reddy, the Home Minister of the Government of India. The Meditation hall was opened by Hon'ble Sri C.Subramaniam, Finance Minister, Government of India. He also released the Souvenir, on the 15th March, 1975.
It was not without basis and reason that the late Sri Narasimha Swamiji haddeclared : "If a hundred out of a thousand people get benefit by listening to me, 900 people get benefit by attending H.H. Swami Kesavaiahji's puja. After puja he tells of future events in a remarkable way. One is so overawed with Swamiji's magnetic personality, purity of life, his motto of service and spiritual powers that one forgets himself and cannot resist the spontaneous urge of offering obeisance to him. Swamijirequired no particular place or time to invoke Sri Sai Baba and gave Udhi and conveyed His blessings. He visualised a stage, and that vision was so clear in his mind that he felt that he was sitting and meditating by the side of Sri Sai Baba."
The most remarkable feature of Swamiji's life was his success in reforming the characters of some men and women. He could do this through the benediction he received from Sri Sai Baba. Atheists became believers and devotees of Sri Sai Baba. Swamiji, the chosen apostle, was revered and adored by multitudes of people who came to him. To these devotees, Swamiji gave a soothing touch, a kind word, guidance and comfort. He was a unique personality in the Sai cult.
Sri Sri Prakasa, Governor of Madras, participating in Sri Sai BabaMahasamadhi day celebrations in 1965 warmly applauded the services of Swamijiand the manner in which he had followed the footsteps of his great Master, Sri Sai Baba.
Justice P. Ramakrishna lyer, I.C.S., Judge, Madras High Court, participating in Sri Rama Navami celebrations in 1962, said that he had known Swamiji for a long time and had attended his pujas when posted in Andhra Pradesh. He had great regard and love for Swamiji and had benefited from the Pujas and blessings. Justicelyer further said : "Swamiji is a remarkable man in our country to whom spirituality came at a very early age, and who had been inspiring a large number of educated people in the authentic religious way. We know the great spiritual work of our Ramanaat Tiruvannamalai and Kanchi Kamakoti peetam Sri Sankaracharya. The work done by H.H. Swami Kesavaiahji in his own humble way can be compared to that of thesegodmen. But for them we will be groping like blind men in the dark".
Dr. H.T. Vira Reddy, F.R.C.S., F.I.C.S. in an interview given to Sri M.S.Kotiswaran, M.A. (Columbia) in 1965, said : "Since 1948 I am fairly in close touch with H.H. Swami Kesavaiahji. He is the favourite devotee of Sri Sai Baba. He could see the destiny of others as one sees stars through the telescope. He never let anyone down but liked all, even the worst person in the society. For instance, he was afraid of hurting even a diseased dog that came near him. When he spoke about religion, one felt inspired by the admirable way he drove home his objective. It was only out of intense love for humanity he was eager that others should enjoy the same bliss that he happened to enjoy." Sri Kotiswaran, writing in 'My Pilgrimage', said thatKesavaiahji sought no princely pomp, no wealth and when asked why he did not move like whirlwind and capture the mass mind, he answered that he had no orders from his master. His duty was to carry out the task assigned to him by Sri Sai Baba.
Sri K. K. Shah, Governor of Tamil Nadu, participating in Guru Poornimacelebrations in 1975, said that he was very happy to find such a beautiful mandir, calm, cool and peaceful, which gave spiritual satisfaction. He would love to come here to meditate. He was also glad to find men as well as women at the gathering. Women, he felt, were the custodians of culture in India. Swami Kesavaiahji, he said, deserved thanks for the great spiritual ministration he had carried on with sheer dedication.
Sri VV Giri, Former President of India, in a foreword to a book, wrote in 1976 :"I had the privilege of knowing Sri Kesavaiahji from 1949 : Swamiji's devotion and surrender to Sri Sai Baba is profound and complete. When at Penukonda, there was no place for the bhaktas of Sri Sai Baba to meet in congregation, Swamiji threw his own house open for the purpose. He is the leader of this great Sai Movement. His character, integrity and saintliness were recognised by all". Sri Giri further observed that Swamiji's life of truth, purity and dedication had a profound influence on the life of people.
Smt. Jothi Venkatachalam, Governor of Kerala, participating in Sri RamaNavami celebrations in 1979, said : "It is a privilege, blessing and pleasure to presideover the Sri Rama Navami celebrations under the auspices of the Sri Sai BabaBhaktha Samajam, and participate on this great and holy occasion where all the devotees of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi assemble for prayer under the guidance and leadership of H.H. Swami Kesavaiahji. I have been associated with the Samajam as a devotee of Sai Baba for many years and have come here many times for the blessings of Sai Baba and H.H. Swami Kesavaiahji. The Samajam was founded with a view to spread the teachings of Sri Sai Baba and give his blessings to devotees. It was his untiring efforts and that of all Sai devotees which helped him to establish this great temple of spirituality. Ever since I came into contact with him, he was like a guru to me and it is the same with all the people who came in contact with Swamiji".
Sri M. Uttam Reddi, Chairman of the Samajam, welcoming the devotees on Guru Poornima day in 1977, said : "The magnificent shrine we have today is thefulfilment of H.H. Swami Kesavaiahji's love for his devotees and will remain as a monument of his faith in sadguru Sri Sai Baba". He also recalled the prediction ofSwamiji when Sri Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy visited the shrine in 1965, that he would occupy the highest position in the country.
Sri Prabhudas Patwari, Governor of Tamil Nadu, presiding over GuruPoornima celebrations at Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir in 1979, said that he felt a different atmosphere - a spiritual atmosphere whenever he stepped into this magnificent edifice.
He said : "I pray and wish that His Holiness Swami Kes'avaiahji should live more than hundred years, not for his sake, but for the sake of humanity".
At the last public meeting attended by the Swamiji, on July 16,1981, Hon'bleJustice PR. Gokulakrishnan, Chief Justice of Tamil Nadu High Court, addressed the devotees and paid rich tributes to the qualities possessed by Swamiji. JusticeGokulakrishnan said : "Swamiji's message of peace and his service to the society are unique. Swami has become a guru to thousands of followers of Sri Sai Baba".
Swamiji was a Godman with a difference. He never claimed to be Baba. On the other hand, he firmly believed that no one, however great, could become Sri Sai Baba. There is no second Ramdas, there is no second Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,he used to say. Swamiji was not a great scholar in the wordly sense, but his works were full of philosophical truth and spirituality. He was not a great orator, but his speeches were charged with devotion and sincerity. He attracted huge audiences wherever he went. Although he is no longer seen in mortal form, his spirit remains eternally to serve mankind and guide the destinies of Sri Sai Baba's devotees.Swamiji had made such a promise. He was a saint of the highest order - an embodiment of love, service, compassion and simplicity. He was a star in India's spiritual firmament. Such pious souls make rare appearance in the world to remind people of higher values and to turn erring humanity to the right path.
Swamiji is survived by a son and two daughters. Before his Samadhi onAugust 9,1981, Sravana Sudha, Dasami, Swamiji had asked for udhi. He applied it to his forehead and swallowed. This occurred at sunset. Still seated, he said 'AllahMalik" and closed his eyes.
After a while, he was made to rest on his bed. At about 6.30 p.m. the sage ofShenoynagar left his mortal frame.
Glory to Sri Sai Baba, and glory to the hallowed memory of His chosen devotee H.H. Sri Swami Kesavaiahji.
Om Shanthi! Om Shanthi!! Om Shanthi!!!
Paths of Devotion
by His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji
Many are the paths leading to liberation. Though the paths are many, the ultimate goal is the same. From time immemorial the Bhakti Marga has been peculiarly suited to the genius of the Indian masses. Hence it is that devotion has special appeal to all classes of people in India and legion are the saints who came under the all-pervading influence of devotion and have trodden this golden path of spirituality, immortality, and liberation. These saints have left behind them footprints on the sands of time, indelible landmarks for the guidance of faltering humanity to traverse this steep and rugged path of devotion. One of these perfect men is ShriSatguru Samartha Ramdas, the great saint of Maharashtra. He has laid down the following types of devotion:
The first is Sravana, i.e., hearing spiritual knowledge. This is the foundation of all spiritual life and the quintessence of a devotee's very being. He must listen daily, hourly, throughout his life, the attributes, praises and the name of god till at last the complete meaning of what he hears becomes part and parcel of his consciousness.
Kirtana, i.e., singing the praise of God develops spirituality not only of the person who performs but also of those who listen. Riches and women are capricious allurements in this path. Music and play of the instruments should not make one forget God, but they should be aids to intensify one's zealous devotion and celestial joy.
Smarana, i.e., remembering the name of God is another aid to spiritual progress. All spiritual knowledge is revealed knowledge and we can only get it through the grace of a Sadguru. By constantly meditating on the name of God, apart from overcoming all difficulities on the path, we can realise God with delirious ecstasy.
Pada Sevana, i.e., resorting to the feet of the Guru is a means of spiritual development. If this is not physically possible, we must mentally prostrate ourselves at the feet of the Guru with reverence and humility.
Archana, i.e., worship of God is another type of devotion. This is real or mental worship of the various images of god and offering Him the best things of life, with deep yearning after God realization.
Namaskara is the same as archana, i.e., bowing down or prostrating ourselves before God or God-like person. This entails such noble qualities as humility, dedication, total surrender and patient waiting with hope and faith for the grace of God.
Dasya, i.e., service of God is possible in two ways, either through doing service which will turn the people towards God or rendering service to bhaktas is really service to God.
Sakhyata, i.e., friendship of God is a type of devotion which is most difficult topractise. Human friendship rests on a compromise of give and take policy, whereas friendship with God is uncompromising determination to give all and lose all, if need be. Our human friends may desert us in time of need, but God, though he appears indifferent to our sacrifices, really watches over us with kindness. To an impatient devotee it would appear that God does not reciprocate our love. He leaves us uncared for and disappointed. Such a devotee will become angry with God and even hate Him because our little desires are not fulfilled. God's friendship is undying, enduring and everlasting.
His grace is perennial. If there are disappointments and difficulties, we must suffer them calmly and courageously. Suffering and disappointments form an integral part of spiritual life. Without them spiritual life is not tested. The key to achieve the friendship of God is with the devotee alone. God, being the innermost reality, is enshrined in our heart and is the breath of our life. We must have firm faith and love towards God. All our thoughts, feelings and actions have their reflection in God. The more sincere and truthful we are, the more are we drawn near and bound to God. Then God becomes more than Mother, Father or Friend to us.
Atma Nivedana, i.e., the annihilation of the self or ego and achieving unity with God. This is the crowning glory of devotional life. Though there are several ways to gain this unity with God, the best means is through constant meditation on pure ideas about God. Impure ideas are got rid of. Then ^ualism yields to the dawn of advaiticexperience. Through this intuitive perception tKeUadhaka is drawn towards God with magnetic fascination. Every rnoment of his life he will feel the compelling and dominating influence of God and will ultimately merge in him. Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi was one such saint who lived in holy communion with God every moment of his life. May he inspire us to tread this righteous path of devotion with concentrated vigour, fearless integrity and dauntlessness !
Om Shanti ! Shanti !! Shanti !!!
Baba's Golden Sayings
Baba said, ''Due to the Rinanubandha of your previous life, you have come to me. Understand this. Don't think low of anyone who comes to you. Don't think ill of him or despise him. Show kindness to him. Feed the hungry. Give water to the thirsty, clothes to the naked. God will be pleased with your charitable acts and kind nature. Don't drive away those who come and ask you for help. If others slander you, be patient. Don't try to avenge. Be persuasive. This is the way to live peacefully and happily. Even if the world turns upside down, control your mind. Don't give up dharma. Take things as they come; leave things as they go. As you sow, so you reap, come what may; leave not your guru; guru is all the Gods."

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