
Monday, July 22, 2013

Saibanisa Gopalarao Ravada

SAI.BA.NI.SA Gopalarao Ravada

Shri Gopala Rao Ravada due to the Grace of SAI, turned SAI devotee during the year 1989. He was born to Shri VenkataRao Ravada and Smt. Venkata Ramannamma Ravada on 24th April, 1946. On a fine day, Shri GopalaRao while in meditaion has named SAIBANISA by BABA which means in his mother language Telugu as "Bhadyathalu Nirvarthinche Sanyasi". In English the person who obeys the instructions of SAI and implements it.

As per the dictates of BABA, he is actively engaged in the spreading of SAI PHOLOSOPHY from 25-12-1998 through the medium of Internet and is the founder member of After serving Government of India in the capacity of Scientific Officer, he has at the age of 54 years, opted for voluntary retirement and dedicated himself to serve SAI and SAI devotees. He is bestowed with the Blessings of BABA and whatever messages are given to him in dreams are classified and presented as SAI PHILOSOPHY and Message for the Life have received immense popularity in the circles though his site

On invitation by the organizers, he has attended Sai Utsav -2000 held on 23-25th November 2000 at Chicago, and Sai Utsav-2003 held during 4-5th of October 2003 at Orlando,Florida, USA. He is the Mukhya sevak for the fourteen Saidarbar chapters functioning in five continents with their Head quarters located at Viswasaidarbar, London, UK.

Saibanisa GopalaRao Ravada has delivered Spiritual discourses on the following topics in English and Telugu:

1. SAI in dreams - A Scientific approach

2. SAI in Bhagavatham

3. SAI in Ramayan

4. SAI Sampoorna Dattavataram

5. SAI Thathva

6. SAI's views on Life

7. SAI's Advice to married couple

8. SAI in dreams of Saibanisa

9. Experiences of Saibanisa with SAI

10. SAI in the lives of his devotees.

11. SAI 's saying and their inner meanings.

12. SAI and ancient Saints.

13.God is truth-Sai is truth.

14.My bones shall speak from the tomb-Baba.

Sai Banisa's Mission:
"To help Sri Shirdi Sai devotees in realising that Sai lives in their Heart."

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