
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bhagawan Sri Venkaiah Swamy

Bhagawan Sri Venkaiah Swamy was born in a village called Nagulavelluthru in Nellore District Andrapradesh.His parents were Somapalli Pichamma and Penchalaiah.He started his Divine Leelas from his childhood and it was confirmed that He is the perfect manifestation of the universal Spirit in human form to save the poor and ignorant.

Once he said that he was not born to his parents like the other human beings. His birth on this earth bears a Divine Purpose.When Swamy was in his eighteen His legs were Paralyzed and he could not walk. devotees begged Him to take Medicine.He refused by saying if he took medicine and cure himself He had to take another birth,to experience the KARMA. SWAMY had no GURU of His own. He once said " There is no bar to my sight even beyond seas. So there is no need for a Spiritual Teacher". From His Childhood he started showing His Occult Power.But ignorant people could not recognise them. Once His nephew was suffering from a dangerous fever. His sister Mangamma lost all hope and was crying. Merciful Swamy waved his hand over the face of the child and told Mangamma that she need not worry about the child.the child recovered without any medicine. This Miracle happened when Swamy was Sixteen years old.Once Swamy came to His sister's house to take her to His native place Rajapadmapuram. she always thought Swamy was a mad boy. She thought that He was mad and would leave her on the way. But Swamy immediately Answered her unuttered thought. He said that He was not a mad boy to leave her in the middle of the way. these small small miracles showed that He was bestowed with great powers even from His childhood.He was well known for his righteous conduct. He was an uncrowned king among His playmates.He used to settle their quarrel amicably.

Once during summer He saw the cattle eating waste papers. His heart melted. that time He was carrying grass on His head. immediately He offered the grass to the cattle and came to the house empty handed. On seeing all these people called Him 'MAD VENKAIAH'.At the age of twenty He suffered from high fever for a few days. After some days He started. Shaving like a lunatic(mad). He used to run in the streets day and night shouting CHAKKALI YOGAM(Dhobi Yogam), MANGALA YOGAM( Barbar yogam), and ZAKKALA YOGAM(Harijans yogam). DUBDUK..DUBDUK.

In that period caste system was at its height. But He used to eat from a plate of Dhobi,Barbar a d Harijans.His parents tried all sorts of QUACK treatments and TANTRIC treatments but in vain. They became tired of all treatments and left Him free.

He used to wander in the lonely places around the villages. whenever He saw a girl He used to run away from that placeas if He had seen a tiger.Days together He would not return home. His mother used to send servant to bring Him with pockets of food. He would come back with the servant, ate His food Sumptuously,wore new clothes and then would run away from the house.Finally he left the village and did not return for years. His parents searched and searched and lost hope of their son. After some years He was sighted in the neighboring villages. But this time He was called "VENKAIAH SWAMY" and not MAD VENKAIAH.Swamy cured innumerable diseases not only of men but also of cattle.He warned people from future calamities ad graced them to avert the same.He used to say some Cryptic message a out devotees who came for Darshan. He used to get such talks written on a paper, touch the paper as a mark of Grace,and give it to His devotees. He also used to put His THUMB IMPRESSION on paper and give it to the devotees as mark of Grace.

Bhagawan Sri Venkaiah Swamy used to keep fire with him. wherever He went He lighted a bit do rope and kept burning in His hand.He always had a bundle of bits of rope on His head,a Munta( a small earthen pot) and a Danda in his hand. Many years He Wandered on the banks of PENNAR river near Rajapalem a d in Somasila Forest. He used to get his food in a single house. After partaking His food He would immediately leave the house without any delay.He always drank water with His palm. He never used Tumbler or any vessel for drinking purpose. During Cholera and Small Pox Epidemic, His thread, incense and. His words protected the villagers from calamity.In the beginning He used to stay in a hut on a hillock called ANKALAMMABOTU near Rajapalem. He kept a oil lamp burning and played on His YEKATARA (a stringed musical instrument ) all through the night.

After some time He started staying in SIVALAYAM at KOTI THEERTHAM .There He used to sing OM NARAYANA - ADI NARAYANA on Two Yektaras with both hands through out night.Whenever He felt sleepy He would puncture the tooth gum with a thorn and wash the blood in his mouth with water.As he was deeply involved in MANTRA JAPAM ,He would not even aware of the breaking of the strings of the Yeketara.for number of years He was very busy in erecting a SAND DAM across the river PENNAR near Somasila. He asked His devotees to help him in that work as it was GOD'S work.Daily some one used to provide food to Swamy and the devotees.

Swamy was completely immersed in His work. His feet and His hands were Bruised terribly because of his continuous work in mud and water. He built the canal and made the water flow in the opposite direction of the river flow,which was impossible for a human being. He would collect dry twigs and would light fire on the waters,where the canals joins the river. He would pour water on either side of the fire and this was to save people from dreadful diseases.

he said that one TOLA (weight of one rupee during British rule) of water was three crores. By that days work,ten crores of income was at a balance after spending the day's expenditure of the entire world. For some years he travelled from village to village . his mission was to save the poor and the downtrodden. He never stayed in any other's house. He used to stay in deserted temples, village chavadies, shady trees and deserted houses only.


1. Feed the hungry (but) not the blenching.
2. Whatever you desire will be fulfilled if you come here(Golgamudi, Nellore) with full faith.
3. You take it for granted that Venkaiah is in all creatures.
4. Even if you leave me, I will not leave you.
5. I will be responding as per ones faith.
6. I will pickup my sheep even though it is in a herd of thousand.
7. Equal love for all will enable you to realize God.
8. I am responsible for the welfare of all the people who give and bring a morsel of food in my name.
9. When a devotee asked for a mantra, Swamy said, There is no mantra or tantra. Go ahead with vichara (discrimination).
10. It is nothing great if a monk sticks on to dharma. It is great if a householder sticks on to dharma.
11. We must stick on to dharma even while lending money for interest.
12. We must achieve nobility, simplicity and service to Sadguru.
13. You will incur a loss of ten rupees for stealing a quarter of rupee.
14. If we crave for a share in the profit, we should also share the sin.
15. It is better for us to leave rather than asking others to leave.

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