
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Vasudev Sadhashiv Joshi of Sitharam Co. and his friend Chidambar Rao K. Gadre were devoted to Baba They went to Shirdi of an on. Once Joshi gave Rs. 10/- to his friend and asked him to give it to Baba as Dakshina. He also made another request and that was to take a photograph of Baba and bring it back with him. Gadre left with the Rs. 10/- and went to Dwarakamai prostrated before Baba and gave HimJoshi's Dakshina. He was silent, as he did not have the courage to request permission for the photograph. Baba too was silent for a long time. Then just before his departure Baba Himself asked Gadre to take His photograph. Baba told him that the photographs should not be sold for a profit. He then give him Udi and Prasad.

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